Similar words: get the better of, letter, butterfly, letter h, letter n, letter e, letter q, letters. Meaning: n. the 6th letter of the Roman alphabet.
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1. The letter f is simply a shorthand for indicating that a furnished tenancy will be determined by the elements within the bracket.
2. Which words begin with letter F?
3. To add Frank as the product owner, type an f (letter F) in the user name text area and search for matching names.
4. Or guiding a jigsaw so it forms the letter F;I learned the alphabet that way in those pre-television days.
5. I prefer the letter f, but our book uses the Greek letter nu.
6. All I know is that the winner's name begins with the letter F.
7. Turning one around, she could read "Nikon" on the viewfinder and, just to the upper left of the Nikon label , the letter F. It was the camera she had handed him at Cedar Bridge.
More similar words: get the better of, letter, butterfly, letter h, letter n, letter e, letter q, letters, better, fetter, letter c, go-getter, lettered, begetter, by letter, had better, newsletter, fettered, letter box, better off, unfetter, dead letter, call letters, to the letter, butterfingers, better half, betterment, be better off, typesetter, cover letter.